What can you sell on Bdstall
Through Bdstall, you can sell all products legally approved by the Bangladesh government.
What are the advantages of any stall
Personal Stall
You can only post your own used items on your personal stall. There is no charge.
Business Stall
Sell as much as you want for a fixed amount of money per month. In addition to increasing your customer base, you can communicate directly with customers.
Commission Stall
You only pay a certain amount of commission when you sell. As a seller, you deliver products to customers and collect payments.
What will be the profit as a seller
Bdstall aims to provide better services to buyers so that they can buy products at a cheaper price. Therefore, Bdstall charges the lowest service charges in Bangladesh from sellers. This service charge includes all kinds of benefits. Therefore, you do not have to spend any money separately for product promotion. If you agree with Bdstall, your sales will increase. However, overall you will benefit in the end, InshaAllah. Many sellers have been selling their products with Bdstall for more than 10 years. Most of the buyers in Bdstall are real buyers, so the sales rate is high.
Why are all sellers' products displayed on the same page
Bdstall does this for the convenience of buyers. Buyers can easily purchase the product from the stall nearest to them. Likewise, the product is presented to the buyers equally from all the sellers. As a result, both the buyer and the seller benefit.
Can the same product be posted repeatedly
In Bdstall, detailed information and benefits about the products are published after the description and are usually not removed. However, when the product is out of stock, it can be sold out and another product can be displayed. Again, if the seller wants, he can later display his sold out products by showing them in stock. As a result, there is no need to post the same product again and again. This makes the work of the sellers very easy.
What is the product post limit
The product limit ranges from 25 to any limit based on the stall charge. However, a maximum of 1 of your own used products can be posted at a time in a personal stall without any fee.
What is the reason for category restrictions
Generally, those who deal with electrical items do not deal with furniture. Bdstall has arranged categories according to the convenience of sellers. In this, not only can buyers easily find genuine sellers for their products, but genuine sellers are also benefiting.
Is there a free service or trial period
Bdstall offers various discounts and benefits to sellers. When opening a stall for the first time on Bdstall, if the seller pays a minimum of 2 months' worth of money at once, then 1 month is free. In addition, 10% and 20% discounts are given on the total amount for 6-month and 12-month packages, respectively. In addition, for stalls outside Dhaka City, there is an additional 50% discount in addition to the above benefits.