Computer  / Software  / Business Software

Prescription Writing Software

ID: 30583 Status: Sold Out

Price in Bangladesh

The lowest price of Prescription writing software in Bangladesh is Tk 35,000 only. Buy at low price in Bdstall. There is currently 0 seller.


Prescription writing software.


1. Drug list.

2. Patient history.

3. Diagnosis list.

4. Advice,DX.

5. Rx.

6. Symptoms.

7. Investigations.

8. Examination.

9. Patients’ ID.

10. Prescription template.

11. Customization setting.

12. Doctor’introduction.

13. Visiting hours.

14. Chamber setting.

15. Prescription footer offer.

16. Patient’s phone No.

17. Doctor’s identification.

18. Patient’s address.

19. Doctor & Patient seating No.

20. Interactive A4 prescription paper.

21. Search patients.

22. Doctor’s life time patient lists.

23. Free Mobile phone SMS service for notification to patients.

24. Appointment time signified no need.

25. Windows XP, 7, Vista, 8 supported.

26. Easy to use. Time reducible.

27. Life time license free.

28. 8 Hours customer support.

29. 10 years team viewer support.

30. Patient’s old database observing facilities for doctors.

31. Counter appointment.

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