Security and Industry  / Access Security  / Biometric Attendance

Jantek BR-90C Access Control Barcode Reader Door Unlock Time

ID: 25907 Status: Sold Out

Price in Bangladesh

The lowest price of Jantek br-90c access control barcode reader door unlock time in Bangladesh is Tk 13,000 only. Buy at low price in Bdstall. There is currently 0 seller.

Full Specification

Item Biometric Attendance
Security Keypad + RFID


Jantek BR-90C access control system has barcode reader, JAS software, backlit keypad and LCD, programmable door delay close time from 0 ~ 255 seconds, door unlock over delay time setting, alarm output, 10000 users support under standalone situation, 0.18cm/ 0.76cm EM card or key tag, built-in clock and calendar, built-in RS232 and RS485 interface, 10000 history record saving, dip switch, built-in watch dog, built-in tamper switch detector, data protection, push button, real-time printing function, serial printer support and operation mode card only/ card + pin/ pin or card.

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