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Tag: Hundure

Hundure RTA-830PE Time Attendance System

ID: 45618 Status: Out of Stock

What is the price of Hundure RTA-830PE in Bangladesh

The lowest price of Hundure RTA-830PE in Bangladesh is Tk 13,000 only. Buy RTA-830PE at low price in Bdstall. There is currently 0 seller.

Hundure RTA-830PE Full Specification

Item Biometric Attendance
Model ✅ RTA-830PE
Brand Hundure
Security Keypad + RFID

Hundure RTA-830PE Description

Hundure HTA-830PE time attendance system access control has 8000 user capacity, 8200 log capacity, sixteen timetable duty, siren output 32-set, built-in TCP / IP communication system to PC, 60 days data storage, 3 minutes first time set up, dynamic control memory up to 15,000 cardholders, 40,000 transaction, LED for display of time, card number, communication mode, swiped card indication.

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