Item | Desktop PC |
Desktop Type | Standard |
Processor Type | Intel Core i3 4th Gen |
Processor Speed | Up to 3.50GHz |
Main Board | Asus-H81 |
Monitor | GigaSonic 17" LED |
RAM | 4GB DDR3 1600Mhz |
Hard Disk | 128 GB |
Disk Type | SSD |
Graphics Card | 2GB built-in on HD board |
Keyboard | GigaSonic Soft Keyboard |
Mouse | HP mouse |
Casing | Gigasonic mini very strong cashing |
This Desktop PC arrives with an Intel core i3 4th generation processor that can generate 3.50GHz clock speed to ensure a smooth & lag-free performance. Also, this PC includes a 17" LED screen, 4GB random access memory (RAM), 128GB solid disk drive (SSD), HD graphics card, USB Standard keyboard & mouse.