Western Digital Corporation (WDC or WD), in short, has a strong position in the world of hard drives. Be it an external or an internal. They have different color hard drives, which often confuse new PC builders. So today, Western Digital Color HDD will be discussed in detail. Hopefully after reading the whole, the weight of your head will increase a bit. Long writing, so sit down with tea.
All of the hard drives discussed in this article are 3.5" & Sata III interfaces.
Before going into the functional details, you may compare the WD hard disk price here.
So let's get started.
First, there will be a specific discussion with Black and Blue, though these two lineups are the desktop consumer level hard drive.
WD Blue
Western Digital (Western Digital) Blue lineups are currently available in storage up to 500GB-6TB. 5400 RPM and 7200rpm are available at both rotational speeds. While the bottom models of the terabyte have 7200rpm speed, the upper model is limited to 5400rpm speed in Gul. Cache memory is 64mb on all models.
For whom the BLUE lineup:
Western Digital Blue Hard Drive Series Well, for those who are day-to-day users, this lineup is basically. As a prize per GB, the drives in this lineup are basically cheap. Its line up for OS storage or primary storage. This lineup is recommended for those who want to set up a RAID (0,1) environment on the desktop.
Pros of WD Blue:
- Cheaper in Performance and Price comparison.
- Noise Level Low.
- Low Power Consumption.
- Capacity Range Dissent, up to 1 terabyte.
Cons of WD Blue:
- The rpm or spin speed is lower in the Terra top model. Data density is also low.
- Vibration control technology (VCT), TLER, CPT, etc. No implantation.
Western Digital (Western Digital) Black line up to 500gb-6tb Capacity storage is available like Blue. In this lineup only 7200rpm rotational speed (spin speed) is avalable. Cache memory 64mb on 500gb-3tb models. Cache memory 128mb on 4tb-6tb.
Black lineup for whom:
Western Digital Black Hard Drive Black for those who are basically power users, hardcore gamers, tech anthusiasts. Western Digital has named this lineup a performance hard drive. Speaking of which, speed and reliability are a big factor for those who are the buyers of this lineup.
- 3 years long warranty period.
- Larger cash memory.
- Capacity range is large, up to 1 terabyte.
- There are many more new technology implements for Vibration Control, Time Limited Data Recovery, Reliability.
Cons of WD Black:
- Power Consumption is high.
- Noise level is also higher than Blue.
- Price per GB is calculated if the cost is higher.
WD Red
Western Digital Red is specially designed for NAS (Network Attached Storage). This lineup has a wide range of capability available from 750gb to 10tb. Rotational speed 5400rpm and cache memory from 65mb up to 256mb for the available upper model. 3-year warranty for all drives in this lineup. Red drives are designed to be able to perform on alloys on the environment, which is not the case with normal hard drives. Moreover, in the case of NAS, many hard drives are used, so the output, vibration and noise are important factors.
Pros of WD Red
- Own driver NASware that will incorporate reliability and performance.
- 3DActive Balance Plus which will help to increase the product's longevity.
- HelioSealTM Technology Implementation to Reduce Noise and Vibration
- Optimized to perform in a 24 × 7 environment.
- Huge range capability.
Cons of WD Red
- The spin speed is low.
- Limited to 1 drive bay.
- Costly GB is known as costly.
WD Purple
Western Digital Purple is a surveillance grade drive. These are made for 24/7 uses. A total of 5 cameras are supported in this lineup model. Surveillance drives usually require more than Reed's. That's why surveillance hard drives are usually over-emphasized, but Western Digital has moved out of this place, and they have put emphasis on Reed Wright so that live streaming is smoother. In addition, WD All Frame offers 4K technology, which allows for video frame loss and other error redirects. This range also has a huge capability range. Which starts at 500gb with 54trp spin speed with 10tb. Cache memory is available from 64mb up to 256mb for upper models. And with a 3 year warranty.
Pros of WD Purple:
- Surveillance Security System.
- High temperature will perform flawlessly.
- Low Power Consumption.
- IntelliSeek Technology, HelioSealTM Technology (Will Noise and Redirect Vibrations)
- DVR & NVR are supported by two video recorded systems.
- 180 TB / yr rated workload.
Cons of WD Purple:
- Spin or rotational speed is low. Limited to 5400rpm.
- Only 5 drives will be supported together. Which is a limitation upgrade.
- Data rescue is not an option. This means Western Digital will not offer you the Professional Data Recovery facility.
- The price is also higher than other manufacturing surveillance hard drives.
WD Gold
Western Digital's Gold lineup is essentially a DataCenter enterprise class hard drive. With the data center being reliably realized, the capability range will be huge. Yes their range upto 12tb starts at 1tb. 128MB of cache memory on 1-12tb hard drive. Up to 256mb of the above models are available. Rotational Speed 7200rpm S These are enterprise class hard drives. The nomenclature goes well with this lineup. Because this lineup is the most expansive of Western Digital such as the price of gold.
Pros of WD Gold:
- Capable of receiving massive workloads - Often 550tb a year.
- 3 years long warranty period.
- The kind of technology that has been manned in this article exists in this lineup. There are many other technologies like RAFFTM, DFH, RAID-Specific etc.
- 2.5million hours of MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure).
- Duel actuator so that the data transmission is very high.
- Cache memory and spin speed are very high.
- There are tons of pros to write about.
Cons of WD Gold:
- Calculating Price Per GB This is a lot of costly, but for those who have the key to performance, it doesn't matter.
- No data was found on the DataRecovery service or whether it was Exit. It's a floss For example, with the Seagate.
In conclusion, Western Digital is a company that is able to meet the needs of all consumers, from consumer to consumer. Their hard drive from entry level started with the Gold line up keeping in mind the aphrodisiacs. They are marketed by Western Digital with various color schemes. WD is popular in many countries along with Bangladesh and check latest price of WD hard disk drive.
This article has been posted on: August 23, 2019