How to check how many SIMs you have online ?

When purchasing a SIM, the buyer of that SIM must register in the biometric system with his / her national identity card and fingerprint. While this method was not available at one time, it is now mandatory, with the aim of preventing anyone from engaging in criminal and immoral activities using SIMs. However, now many crooks are using other people's NID card for SIM registration and various immoral activities. What is happening is that even an ordinary user does not know that many bad people are using his NID card to register his SIM and endanger him by using it for various immoral purposes. In order to prevent such crimes, the number of SIMs registered with your national identity card can be known in a few minutes at home completely free of cost. So let's not know how to check how many SIMs are registered with your national identity card.

First go to the message option of your phone, write the last 4 digits of your NID card and send an SMS. In the return message to 16001, you will be informed exactly how many SIMs have been registered with your national identity card. Also dial * 16001 # and enter the last 4 digits of your NID card but you will be notified via SMS.

You can also get different information from different operators if you want.

Teletalk: Go to the message option of the phone and send info to 1600.

Grameenphone: Go to the message option of the phone, write info and send to 4949.

Banglalink: Dial * 1600 * 2 #.

Robi: Dial * 1600 * 3 #.

Airtel: Dial * 123 * 4444 #.

According to the government decision, the number of SIMs has been increased to 15 regardless of the pre-paid, post-paid mobile operator of a customer. No one can register a SIM more than this.

Moreover you can see the current market prices of different mobile phones here.

This article has been posted on: September 05, 2021
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