How to control blood pressure?



One of the most serious problems at present is blood pressure. Almost all classes of people suffer from this type of problem. A person's blood pressure can be measured with the help of a pressure machine. And these machines are of two types one is sphygmomanometer and the other is digital. The price of Digital Blood Pressure Machine is much lower in Bangladesh market now. Blood pressure is usually of two types, one is high blood pressure and the other is low blood pressure. The first part of the blood pressure is called Systolic pressure and the second part is called Diastolic pressure. The maximum level of high blood pressure is 120/80 ml and the maximum level of low blood pressure is 90/60 ml. These two types of blood pressure cause human problems. Today's topic is how blood pressure can be kept normal or controlled.


Things to Do to Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure causes many problems in life. The most risky are stroke, heart attack and kidney. To get rid of all these deadly diseases, it is necessary to follow some rules and regulations every day. The habits that should be changed are-


Abandon Sodium Rich Foods

I eat most of the foods that contain sodium chloride or table salt. A healthy person can take a maximum of 2,300 mg of salt a day. Consuming more salt than this can cause rapid rise in blood pressure and excessive intake can also lead to stroke.


Regular Physical Exercise

Regular physical exercise keeps the body well and can strongly prevent stress and hypertension. Hypertension increases the speed of blood flow in the veins of the human body. This results in high blood pressure within moments and the risk of a fatal accident.


Quit Smoking

Smoking of any kind is deadly harmful to the body. Consumption of alcohol and nearby substances raises blood pressure levels temporarily. Excessive blood pressure can damage blood vessels. So if you have this kind of bad habit, try to avoid it from today.


Eating Foods Rich in Potassium

It is possible to control hypertension through food. We should include potassium in our daily diet. Potassium reduces the nutritional deficiencies of the human body and helps to reduce the amount of sodium in the body. Among the foods rich in potassium are vegetables, fruits and milk.


Avoid Soft Drinks

Almost every type of cold drink contains a large amount of carbohydrates, sugars and fats. All of these ingredients help to make the body fat and increase the amount of sugar in the blood.


Eat Less Carbo-hydrates

According to various recent studies, carbs and sugar increase high blood pressure. So carbohydrate foods help raise blood pressure levels. Foods like bread and white sugar raise blood sugar levels. So these should be eaten in moderation.




Things to Do to Control Low Blood Pressure:

Low blood pressure does not affect the upper part of the body. It usually occurs due to irregular living. Experts say that there is no cure for low blood pressure. However, following some rules and regulations can get rid of low blood pressure quickly. In such a case all the rules and regulations should be followed-


1. Make it a habit to eat saline or glucose every day.

2. People who regularly experience this type of problem should try to avoid staying in the same place for long periods of time.

3. If you are sitting or lying down for a long time, you should get up slowly while getting up, otherwise there may be a problem.

4. Eat nutritious foods (eggs, fish, meat, lamb, nuts, greens) in your daily diet.

5. If there is salt in the body, normal amount of salt should be eaten.

6. Drink enough water.

7. Develop regular exercise habits.


Caution: If the blood pressure level is too high or too low, you need to see a doctor immediately. Those who are facing such problems should be examined with the help of BP machine (blood pressure machine) and take treatment accordingly.

This article has been posted on: May 25, 2022
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